While in Montreal for the 1924 annual conference, the City Managers’ Association added the “I” to its name, becoming the International City Managers’ Association (ICMA). Since then, ICMA members have been committed to making ICMA a more global organization. In 1944, ICMA selected its first of six international presidents, J. R. French, from Verdun, Québec, Canada. ICMA’s governance structure now includes three international vice presidents and a Global Vision and Collaboration Committee focused on supporting the implementation of a global strategy.
“When you expand your networks and join ICMA or just participate in the ICMA Annual Conference, the world all of a sudden becomes smaller. The long-lasting friendships and local government connections created by the opportunities that ICMA provides, such as events, committee relationships, exchanges, and study tours are the most valuable professional development experiences that I have been involved in during my 20 years in local government.” —Rebecca Ryan, ICMA International Vice-President, general manager, Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Council, Australia
ICMA’s Relationships Around the World
Since the first agreement in 1987, ICMA has maintained relationships with local government organizations around the world to promote good governance. As part of ICMA’s global engagement strategy, ICMA seeks to strengthen those relationships and expand our global network so that local government leaders can exchange practices and tools and contribute to continuous knowledge exchange and learning.
“Learning from others is critical to success and so many of the challenges our cities face are shared across the globe. Solace values ICMA as the convener of worldwide local government and a platform for collaboration and learning. There’s no better forum to share global perspectives and help each other be the best we can be.” —Graeme McDonald, managing director, Solace
Supporting Good Governance Through Global Technical Assistance
For more than 50 years, ICMA has drawn on the experience of local government practitioners, researchers, and expert consultants to design, implement, and evaluate local government projects through mission-driven grant- and contract-funded initiatives supported by federal government agencies, foundations, and corporations. ICMA’s global program management team supports these programs and provides solutions to help communities address global and local challenges.
“For nearly a decade, ICMA assisted secondary cities in the Philippines through two United States Agency for International Development (USAID)-funded activities—Strengthening Urban Resilience for Growth with Equity (SURGE) and Cities for Enhanced Governance and Engagement (CHANGE). Over these years, thanks to the work of over 100 local Filipino staff and support from the ICMA home office and members, ICMA has gained a stellar reputation for being an effective implementer of USAID activities in the Philippines and a true partner for the promotion of economic development and democratic governance.” —Sergio Andal Jr., chief of party, CHANGE
Cities Learning from One Another
In 1997, the ICMA CityLinks™ program was inaugurated in collaboration with USAID to deliver technical assistance in urban management to cities worldwide. The program is based on the premise that cities learn best from one another. Through peer-to-peer exchanges, hundreds of ICMA members have shared sustainable solutions in local government management with counterparts in every region of the world.
“My participation in CityLinks™ not only allowed me to provide needed technical assistance to communities, but also enriched me personally and professionally by connecting with new colleagues dedicated to building communities. The high quality of these peer-to-peer exchanges benefited my city and staff through a reciprocal learning process centered on solutions to our common problems.” —Lee Feldman, ICMA-CM (Retired), ICMA Past President, principal, The Euclid Group; senior advisor for local government strategy, Zencity
A Decade of ICMA Implementing the YSEALI Program
The U.S. Department of State’s Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative (YSEALI) Program, implemented by ICMA since 2013, enables young leaders from 11 countries in Southeast Asia to work directly with U.S. communities on sustainable development and environmental challenges. YSEALI has created partnerships among the fellows and ICMA members, inspiring positive environmental impact and establishing enduring friendships.
“The YSEALI program has been one of the most enriching professional and personal experiences of my career in local government. The opportunity to meet talented young professionals across the globe and share ideas for creating great local communities is invaluable. Our communities have benefited from these exchanges, and I am grateful for the life-long friendships.” —Cindy Steinhauser, ICMA-CM, ICMA Incoming Midwest Vice-President, deputy city administrator, Rochester, Minnesota, USA
ICMA’s Global Engagement Strategy
In alignment with the 2017 Envision ICMA strategic plan, ICMA committed to realizing its vision of enhancing the experience of members by providing new access to global networking, knowledge sharing on innovative governance practices, and new professional development resources. ICMA’s global engagement strategy, adopted by the ICMA Executive Board in June 2022, guides ICMA’s vision to advance professional local government on a global scale.
“As our world becomes smaller and increasingly influenced by global issues, immigration, and advancements, it is imperative that local government professionals develop the awareness of how to best meet the needs of their increasingly complex and diverse communities. The adage, “you only know what you know,” demands that perspectives and approaches to dealing with today’s “wicked issues” are informed by best practices, regardless of where they exist globally.” —Matt Fulton, ICMA Midwest regional director, former city manager
Learn more about ICMA's first 100 years of global work!
New, Reduced Membership Dues
A new, reduced dues rate is available for CAOs/ACAOs, along with additional discounts for those in smaller communities, has been implemented. Learn more and be sure to join or renew today!