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In this webinar, you'll join Polco as they discuss the top 10 things American residents say their communities need most.

Cities are changing everywhere, but are Americans’ needs and values changing as well? This webinar reports what community characteristics are most important to residents today.

Multiple facets of livability, such as transportation, safety, and housing, work together to form a great community. But, according to residents, some characteristics are more important now than others.

In this webinar, Polco data scientists will reveal the top ten things Americans say they need most in their communities. You’ll see highlights from the largest community livability database of its kind in the US. These data represent millions of residents nationwide and report community satisfaction, government service delivery, and more.

Knowing these wants, needs, and priorities is priceless to decision-makers. See how governments can align planning initiatives to resident needs for more successful outcomes.

In this webinar:

  • See what residents want most in their communities
  • Get data highlights from National Research Center at Polco
  • Understand how local governments can use city data and public input for strategic planning


  • Tobin McKearin, Vice President of Data Science, Polco
  • Michelle Kobayashi, Principal Research Strategist, Polco

New, Reduced Membership Dues

A new, reduced dues rate is available for CAOs/ACAOs, along with additional discounts for those in smaller communities, has been implemented. Learn more and be sure to join or renew today!