Is sharing the cost of a Local Government Management Fellow more feasible for your community?
- Shared costs of hosting the fellow
- Ability to launch new projects that do not require full-time staff
- Opportunity to launch and manage projects with cross-jurisdictional issues
- Increased regional communication and cooperation
- Fellows share knowledge and ideas from the other organization.
- Fellows are exposed to different management and organizational styles, better preparing them for managerial roles.
- Have one of the governments act as the "lead agency." The lead agency would bill the other government(s) for the Fellows' time spent working there
- Pull together a work plan that points to specific projects on the city's strategic plan
- Agree with your partners on job flexibility - make sure the Fellow has time to check e-mail and voicemail for all of their other organization(s), wherever they are
- Minimize the amount of people involved in the hiring process, if possible
- Agree to hold regular meetings (monthly, or less frequent) with your partner government(s) and the Fellow to discuss the experience and opportunities.
"Sharing a fellow gives communities an opportunity to recruit a highly qualified professional that they otherwise could not place." - Cori Burbach, 2008 Local Government Management Fellow, Dubuque, Iowa/Lancaster, Wisconsin
"The fellowship provided me a great opportunity for exposure and networking, all while learning the in's and out's of local government. I was able to a part of high-level, strategic discussions that I would not have had exposure to until much later in my career. It has provided me with opportunities and exposure far beyond what I would have had at an entry-level local government position.
More specifically to the unique rotation format, I got to see four different cities' approaches to the function of local government. From city council meetings and department structures to hiring practice and budget strategies, I got an insider view on four different cities with four different cultures. I saw firsthand how four cities in neighboring jurisdictions were handling the same regional issues, like transportation and housing, while having to balance their respective priorities. Additionally, I was able to observe four styles of leadership and management through working closely with the city managers of the cities. It was an invaluable experience to understand my own likes, dislikes, and leadership style. The experience will forever shape the type leadership and practices I will strive for." - Madison Thesing, 2016 Local Government Management Fellow, Cities of Hillsboro, Beaverton, Tigard, & Tualatin, OH
Host a Local Government Management Fellow
The LGMF program has helped launch the careers of more than 300 local government management professionals, including dozens of alumni fellows who have been hired as managers.