Whether you are a long-time manager who is embarking on retirement and perhaps transitioning to a second career, or you are testing the waters in another field, it is critical to make a transition with your reputation intact, do no harm to the profession, and uphold your commitment to the profession’s ethical values.
Members who are permanently retired or no longer in service to a local government are required to adhere to Tenets 1 and 3 of the ICMA Code of Ethics. All members in service to a local government, whether it is on a full-time, part-time, or interim basis must follow all 12 tenets of the Code.
Advice on some common challenges interim or retired members may encounter follows:
Political Activity
Former managers and assistants who want to run for elected office or engage in political activity in the community they recently served should refrain from using their former official title, always demonstrate respect for their successor, and be accurate and fair in their presentation of information. ICMA senior advisors should be sure to discuss their plans with their state association president before taking any action.
Employment Opportunities
Because of their talents and knowledge of local government, members have been actively recruited for positions in financial services, management consulting practices, engineering, law, development corporations, and telecommunications as examples. In many cases, there are few ethical concerns because there is no nexus between the former and new employer.
Ethical issues do arise if the member is recruited to join the firm closely following a project, negotiation, or controversial interaction between the local government and the firm. For example, a manager was recruited to join a firm shortly after the member finished negotiations on behalf of the local government to bring the firm’s corporate headquarters to the community. Accepting an offer under those circumstances could result in questions from the public about when the manager was first recruited and whose interests the manager represented during those negotiations. Members are advised to be careful about the timing of such moves and to be cognizant of creating the appearance of a conflict of interest.
Representing a client before the governing body or agency
While it is not a violation of the Code to represent a client before the governing body or agency where you previously served as the manager, think about whether your presence before the agency creates the appearance of impropriety, undermines the integrity of the process, or the credibility of your former employees. As a result of your relationship with the employee, will you be afforded special treatment or otherwise gain an unfair advantage? Do you have “insider” information that may unfairly benefit your client? One former manager who went to work for a firm who did business before the local government opted to stay behind the scenes and let other staff take the lead role in representing the client at meetings with staff or hearings.
Interim assignments
Regardless of the length of the assignment, an ICMA member working for a local government whether it is on a full-time, part-time, or interim basis is expected to follow all 12 tenets of the ICMA Code of Ethics. Members should not accept an interim assignment if they are serving as an elected official or plan to run for elected office. Members should refrain from any political activity on behalf of a candidate for any elected office while serving in an interim position.
Relationships with a former community
Retired managers who choose to live in the community following the end of their employment have a unique perspective. They have much more detailed knowledge about the organization’s operations and finances than the average resident. There is also the added layer of needing to provide the successor with the space and freedom to manage the organization, and that may mean making decisions that are different from the predecessor’s approach. The retired manager’s opinion may also still carry a lot of weight with the members of the governing body and staff who now report to someone new.
Retired managers have an ethical obligation to ensure any public commentary they choose to make about their former organization, or its staff, does not undermine their successor, is both factual and professional, and adheres to Tenets 1 and 3 of the Code. Finally, before a retired managers decide to insert themselves in a community discussion, they should consider how they would feel if their predecessor had taken this action when they were in the manager’s position.
Applicable Tenets and Guideline
Tenet 3. Demonstrate by word and action the highest standards of ethical conduct and integrity in all public, professional, and personal relationships in order that the member may merit the trust and respect of the elected and appointed officials, employees, and the public.
Guideline on Public Confidence. Members should conduct themselves so as to maintain public confidence in their position and profession, the integrity of their local government, and in their responsibility to uphold the public trust.